Imphal: Deputy Chief Minister (in-charge Finance) Yumnam Joykumar stated before the House that the government will consider suggestions to review VAT on petroleum products. He made the assurance while replying to a Starred Question and supplementary questions raised by MLA Surjakumar Okram during the morning session of the 7th day of the ongoing 12th session of the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly.
The Minister also informed the House that the existing VAT (Value Added Tax) levied on petroleum products in the State is comparatively similar to other North Eastern States
Y. Joykumar stated that the increments/revisions in VAT on petroleum products like petrol and diesel since 2017 have been taken up three times on 4th October, 2018; 22nd October 2019 and 6th May 2020 respectively.

Further stating that public notice was issued by the Government for the increments/revisions of the 22nd October 2019 he said that for the other two cases namely 4th October, 2018 and 6th May 2020 the fourteen (14) days public notice was not issued.
Explaining the reason for the non issuance of the fourteen (14) days public notice of the increments/revisions in the mentioned two cases, he said the increments/revision of 4th October 2018, the VAT rate of petrol was reduced from 25 per cent to 21.2 per cent and that of Diesel from 14.5 per cent to 10.6 per cent. The fourteen (14) days public notice was not issued as the government had decided to transfer the benefit of tax decrease in petrol and diesel immediately to the consumer.
Further he clarified that the non issuance of the fourteen (14) days public notice for the 6th May 2020 was due to the urgent need for additional resources to meet the high expenses incurred due to COVID-19 pandemic. During the time of unprecedented emergency there was a sharp decline in both GST and VAT collection. On the other hand, there was an urgent requirement of huge resources to combat the pandemic, he added.
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Thongam Biswajit Singh in response to MLA Surjakumar Okram’s starred question stated that payment of the wages and material component for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is still pending. He stated that the administrative department has submitted a claim proposal to MoRD accordingly, Rs. 83.66 crore has been released by MoRD and that the remaining amount is being processed for release by the Ministry.

Minister Th. Biswajit while replying to a starred question from MLA N. Loken Singh, stated that under PMAY-G scheme, 18,640 houses had been allotted for FY 2016-17 to 2019-20. Out of 18,640 units, 18,455 units had started construction and about 10,030 units had been completed. He said that for the FY 2020-21, a target of about 15,842 houses have been allotted. Out of the allotted target, 13,861 have been sanctioned till date and funds for the above houses are yet to be released by the MoRD. The amount per house under PMAY – G is Rs. 1,30,000/-.

Works Minister Th. Biswajit while replying to a Starred Question from MLA Karam Shyam said that the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has sanctioned the strengthening and widening from the spot of 320.320 km to spot of 330.00 km on NH-102, Imphal-Moreh section during the year 2020-21, with a target to complete the project within 18 months.
Water Resources Minister Letpao Haokip answering to a Starred Question on the functional status of Dolaithabi Barrage Project said that the project is programmed to be completed by March 2021 but due to the pending court cases for purchase of land the construction of right main canal the canals are not fully functional. He further added that the compensation amount of Rs. 8,29,22,000/- for 243 households for the right main canal has been deposited to DC Imphal East. 229 pattadars have already been compensated whereas compensation amounting to Rs. 53.04 lakhs for 14 pattadars is still with the DC due to a pending court case.
The Manipur Legislative Assembly Thursday adopted that the time appointed for the presentation of the Report of Select Committee on the Manipur Liquor Prohibition (Second Amendment) Bill, 2018 (Bill No.9 of 2018) be extended for a period of three months. The House also adopted the time appointed for the presentation of the Report of the Enquiry Committee, Manipur Legislative Assembly constituted to enquire into the fraudulent withdrawal of money in the department of Tribal Affairs and Hills Development to be extended for a period of three months.