Imphal: On the second day of the second session 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly began Tuesday with the question hour. As soon as the house assembled, the speaker Th. Satyabarta took up the question hour followed by a discussion on Budget Estimates, 2022-23.
Education Minister, Th. Basantakumar replying to the question raised by MLA K. Ranjit and Th. Lokeshwor said there are 28 Aided high schools with good infrastructure in the state. He said there is a plan for the conversion of some Aided High schools with good student enrolment to full-fledged government schools. Under the ‘School Fagathansi Mission’, two schools from each constituency are selected. The minister also further stated in the house that NEP- 2020 is implemented in the state. The state will implement the NEP in accordance with the ground reality of the state.
Replying to the question raised by MLA Surjakumar Okram, Dr. S. Ranjan, Minister Medical, Health & Family Welfare said in the assembly that steps have been taken up to deal with the rising Covid 19 cases in the state such as an increase of surveillance and testing, ensuring bed availability for COVID patients, ensuring availability of medical oxygen and intensifying COVID vaccination drive.

He also said that payment of honorarium to the contractual staff engaged for Covid related duties has been cleared till December 2021. After generating Specific Identification Numbers (SIN), payment of wages for the staff engaged during the period from January 2022 to March 2022 will be cleared, he added.
In another question raised by MLA Kh. Joykishan Singh, Minister of Fishery, H.Dingo Singh, said the department of Fishery has taken up PMMSY (Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana) and Loktak Livelihood Mission for fish farmers in the state. Under PMMSY, grants are given to the beneficiaries for the establishment of hatcheries, construction of ponds and setting up of bio-floc units and under the Loktak Livelihood Mission, grants are provided to the fishermen for the establishment of cage culture, pen culture, Seed production units etc.

The Manipur Legislative Assembly passed a total amount of Rs. 187,02,69,000 for Excess Grants for the year, 2017-18 in the house Tuesday which include Rs. 11,70,72,000Â for State Legislature, Rs. 139,98,47,000 for Finance, Rs. 27,63,84,000Â for Labour and Employment, Rs. 5,57,08,000 for Textiles, Commerce & Industries and Rs. 2,21,58,000 for sericulture.
Earlier, MLA K. Ranjit Singh moved a motion on the poor result of students of Government schools in BOSEM and COHSEM examinations. In giving clarification, Education Minister Th. Basantakumar said the government schools are able to produce 15 subjects topper in the recently announced class -XII exam. He also said that the pass percentage in government schools has also increased. The government is also planning to conduct special coaching for the students appearing for class X and XII exams.
The house also discussed Budget Estimates, 2022-23.
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh also introduced The Manipur Appropriation (No. 3) Bill, 2022 (Bill No. 11 of 2022) and The Manipur Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 2022 (Bill No. 13 of 2022) in the house Tuesday.