Aizawl: Madhup Vyas, Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram chaired a meeting to discuss strategy for ensuring higher voter turnout in the upcoming General Election to Lok Sabha, 2024 in Mizoram at his office chamber today.
The Chief Electoral Officer expressed his concern at the lower voter turnout in the Lok Sabha MP election as compared to that of MLA elections, he mentioned that while Mizoram registered one of the highest voter turnout in India, the voter turnout in the Lok Sabha MP election, 2019 was even lower than the national average of 67 % which needs to be addressed this time.
The meeting discussed various issues related to voter education. The meeting stressed the need to focus on the youth population especially first-time voters, and the need to undertake a rigorous awareness campaign at the micro-level.
The School Education Department, Higher & Technical Education Department, and Sports & Youth Services Department will be roped in for the task.
The meeting was attended by Dr H. Lianzela, Addl. CEO, James Lalnunmawia, Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Lalnunhlua, Sports & Youth Services Director, Aizawl DC Nazuk Kumar, R. Lalnunthari, Joint Director, School Education, Dr Lalthansangi Fanai, Jt. Director, Higher & Technical Education, Henry C. Lalrawnkima, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, R. Lalfamkima, Scientific Officer, MIRSACand officials from Election Deparment.