Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Friday extended his sincere greetings to the people on Christmas, a festival that spreads the message of love, harmony and peace beyond boundaries and religious affinities.
“It sure is a time to get showered with gifts and wishes, but in the midst of all the jubilations, we should not forget the real spirit of Christmas. Christmas is not only about fun and gifts, but of love and generosity,” he said in a message on Xmas eve.
Khandu called upon all, irrespective of religious affiliations, to remember all who, in their ways and capacities, make the world a better place to live in but are least thanked. “This Christmas, let us bring joy to others with an act of kindness,” he said.
The Chief Minister expressed faith that this Christmas celebration would open up the doors of wisdom and the enlightenment that peace and development go hand in hand.
“As we celebrate the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ, it is my fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace. And we all move ahead, hand-in-hand without a hitch, towards development,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister also wished everyone on the eve of Good Governance Day, the day celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.