New Delhi: India’s premier border guarding force BSF on Friday said that its 70,193 troopers have been awarded with Police Antrik Suraksha Seva Padak for Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Left Wing Extremism (LWE) and North East regions.
In a function held at the Force headquarters here, BSF Director General Rakesh Asthana while releasing the list of awardees congratulated all awardees and exhorted all the ‘Seema Praharies’ to strive hard to earn more such laurels in future too.
Of the 70,193 medals awarded today, 25686 medals have been awarded for services of BSF personnel in J&K state, 14068 medals for LWE areas and 30439 medals for NE region.
“Police Antrik Suraksha Seva Padak for J&K, LWE & NE regions” was instituted by the Union Home Minister on July 28, 2018. These medals are awarded twice in a year to the eligible force personnel who have completed a minimum of two years operational service in any of the J&K state, LWE and NE region, the spokesperson said in a statement.
These medals have been instituted to recognize the services rendered by force personnel while deployed for internal security duties during their stints in J&K, Left Wing Extremism (LWE) areas and North East (NE) region. The medal also recognises their contributions in the furtherance of peace and normalcy in these areas of deployment