Bishnupur: Directorate of Small Savings, Finance Department, Government of Manipur in association with the District Administration, Bishnupur and Zilla Parishad, Bishnupur Saturday observed the World Thrift Day at Panchayat Resource Centre, Bishnupur.
Ranjan Yumnam, Deputy Commissioner, Bishnupur graced the observation as the Chief Guest while RK Dayananda, CEO, Zilla Parishad and Rojendrakar Nongthombam, Director, Small Savings are the Guest of Honour and the President in the function respectively.
Speaking on the occasion as the Chief Guest, Ranjan Yumnam stated that building real assets takes time and patience and also expressed his concern over the abysmally low culture on savings among the people of the State. He is also quick to dismiss the myth that saving money is only about a large sum of money and is meant only for people with higher incomes. Stating that life is full of surprises, he said that one must save as much as they can as savings will help withstand life’s many surprises as well as for the future generations.
Cautioning against splurging on luxuries to avoid dire consequences, he said that an impulse to lead a lavish lifestyle beyond one’s means in an attempt to impress others can lead to a debt trap. Elaborating on the schemes and tools by banks and government, he said that it is rather unfortunate that many people are blinded by greed seeking easy money through unstable routes like village level micro-credit schemes.
Later, a Technical Session was also held wherein Y. Ibochou Singh, LBM, Bishnupur district, Md. Kheiruddin Mohamad, Postmaster, Bishnupur Post Office and Director, Small Savings gave presentations on various topics. The technical session was concluded after an interaction session with IPPB officials and Agents.