Tokyo: World No 1 Archer Deepika Kumari opened India’s campaign on the inaugural day of the Tokyo Olympics and finished at the 9th spot in the women’s individual ranking round, here on Friday.
The Indian archer scored 663 points out of a possible 720, hitting 30 10s and 13 X’s in her 72 arrows.
Deepika will now complete in the first elimination round against Bhutan’s Bhu Karma. Karma, a Rio Olympian, is 193rd in the world rankings.
The Olympic record of 673 points in the qualification round was broken by the top four archers – Korea’s An San (680), Jang Minhee (677), Kang Chae Young (675) and Mexico’s Alejandra Valencia (674).
The Indian men’s trio of Atanu Das, Tarundeep Rai and Pravin Jadhav will take the field next for the men’s ranking round.