Mumbai: Sumeru Ventures, through its subsidiary Sumeru Innovation has announced Sumeru Innovation X, a programme designed and developed by Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) at the University of California at Berkeley.
The programme will be offered in India through a partnership with Indo IPS EduTech Private Ltd (IIEduTech). Sumeru Innovation X programme, which is based on the Berkeley method of entrepreneurship (BMoE) and Berkeley method of innovation (BMoI), will cover topics on entrepreneurship, technology and mindfulness, among others.
Sidhu said that this program was based on the Powerful Innovation and Entrepreneurship Framework developed at the SCET at the University of California and it will enable students to identify potential solutions to critical problems through innovative alternatives supported by modern cutting-edge technologies and in the process contributing to the IP wealth of India.
Bharat Kotecha, co-founder and MD, IIEduTech said, “By introducing this programme, we aim to become the premier hub for study and practice of technology-centric entrepreneurship and innovation and in turn be part of great valuation creation startup ecosystem in India.
This programme will enable students to identify potential solutions to critical problems through innovative alternatives supported by modern cutting-edge technologies and in the process contributing to the IP wealth of India,”.