Satara: The Local Crime Branch (LCB) police team on Tuesday seized gutkha valued at Rs 47 lakh being carried from Karnataka state to Pune by a container near the ‘Rajasthani Highway’ hotel near Shendre of this district.
According to police, after receiving a tip, the LCB police team laid a trap near the ‘Rajasthani Highway’ hotel near Shendre village early Tueday morning and stopped a container coming from Karnataka state and on way to Pune. After the search operation, police found gutkha packets in bags and boxes valued at Rs 47 lakh.
Police arrested container driver Gufaram Shamim Khan (36), from Thane, and are investigating further.
Satara: LCB police team seize gutkha valued Rs 47 lakh
According to police, after receiving a tip, the LCB police team laid a trap near the 'Rajasthani Highway' hotel near Shendre village early Tueday morning and stopped a container coming from Karnataka state and on way to Pune. After the search operation, police found gutkha packets in bags and boxes valued at Rs 47 lakh.
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