Gangtok: A 44-year-old man was stabbed by other just before midnight, at Singtam, East Sikkim. Victim Durga Pradhan, was returning from Indoor Sports Complex,after participating in the ongoing tournament .The player Pradhan a participant in the Open Badminton tournament is a contractor by profession.
On his way back, he happened to ask a man not to smoke.The said man Ranjay Shah, instantly left the Lal Bazar,only to return with a sharp weapon . He hit badly at pradhan stabbing him. People came up and he was rushed for medical assistance. Speaking about the case of attempt to murder the Police said Pradhan is under treatment.’ He has been admitted to Neotia(Siliguri).Presently Pradhan is under treatment, his condition is said to be stable,’ said Santa K Gurung Police Inspector Singtam, Police Station.
‘The man who stabbed has been nabbed with the weapon of offence.He has admitted to having committed the crime.Presently under Police custody , he will be produced in Court,’ added Gurung. The culprit has been booked under Section 307 of IPC for attempt to murder,with such intentions.
This has turned the Singtam Nagar Panchayat joined by the Singtam Badminton Club , hosting the event said.The vegetable seller Ranjay Shah going to extremes and his inability to listen a word against smoking has shocked Singtam and the whole State,as smoking in public places is banned in Sikkim.