Bhopal:Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan underlined on Sunday – his birthday – that the Ladli Behna Yojana envisages providing Rs 1,000 each to women in the 23-60 age group and who are members of families with annual income below Rs 2.5 lakh, possessing less than 5 acres and not having any Income Tax payer.
It was officially learnt that applications are to be filled from March 25 to April 30, scrutiny is scheduled in May and the maiden instalment will be deposited in bank accounts on June 10.
Mr Chouhan inaugurated the scheme during a massive convention at the state capital’s Jamboree Maidan.
The Samagra ID and Aadhaar numbers are imperative for the application but nativity and income certificates, etc are not required. Camps shall be conducted in every village and ward vis-à-vis applying. The helpline number is 181.