Imphal: Manipur Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Tuesday reviewed the ‘NIK-SHAY’ and TB Control Program at Raj Bhavan in Imphal. Health Minister Dr. Sapam Ranjan Singh along with Commissioner (Health) Sumant Singh, Dr. Mairembam Dinesh Singh, State Mission Director, NHM, Manipur, and Dr. Hemlata Thokchom, State Tuberculosis Officer, NTEP Manipur attended the review meeting.
The Health Minister apprised the Governor about the status and achievements of the ongoing Pradhan Mantri TB Mukht Bharat Abhiyan in the State.
The Governor reviewed the ongoing special 100-day campaign announced by the Prime Minister recently and advised multi-pronged efforts, including doubling patient support, use of technology and better diagnostic tools and exploration of newer drugs. He insisted that the special 100-day campaign must be a mass movement in the State.
Highlighting about the campaign which was launched throughout the country by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI, to end Tuberculosis (TB) in India by 2025, the Minister said, the Campaign has been undergoing in full swing with the involvement of many stakeholders. The Campaign aims to increase community involvement in the fight against the disease, to increase awareness about TB and reduce stigma.
The Governor was informed that under the Campaign, additional support to TB patients such as nutritional support, vocational support and access to diagnostic and treatment services are being provided. The Campaign also aims to improve living and working conditions for TB patients, the Minister added.
The Governor asked the health Department to draw clear timelines and implement various interventions in a time bound manner. He appealed to the people to cooperate in the Campaign to make India a TB free nation by this year.