Imphal: To mark the 77th birth Anniversary of the late Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, Sadbhavana Diwas or Harmony Day was observed at Old Secretariat Conference Hall, Imphal Thursday. The observance was organised by the State Government.
The pledge of Sadbhavana was administered by Chief Secretary Rajesh Kumar, IAS. The main theme of Sadbhavana Diwas is to promote national integration and communal harmony among people of all religions and languages.
The day is observed to encourage national integration, peace, affection and communal harmony among the people of all religions. ‘ Sadbhavan’‘ translates in the English language means goodwill and bonafide.
Being the youngest Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi’s thought process was modern and different from others. Rajiv Gandhi had the vision of a developed nation via many national as well as international projects that he pioneered.
High ranking Civil and Police officials of the Government and other dignitaries attended the function.