Imphal: For the third consecutive day running, Manipur registered a below 2 per cent positivity rate of 1.6 % on Wednesday. In the last 24 hours, 31 persons from the general population tested positive out of a total of 1,929 persons tested while person succumbed to Covid-19 and 20 persons recovered during the same period, as per an official release from the Health Department.
The lone person who succumbed to the deadly virus is from Imphal East, he had co-morbidities and had not been vaccinated for Covid. The cumulative death toll in the state now stands at 1978.
Of the 31 persons who tested positive from the general population, 19 are from Imphal West, seven from Imphal East, two from Bishnupur and one each from Senapati, Thoubal and Ukhrul.
Altogether, 1,929 persons were tested for a positivity rate of 1.6 %.
Meanwhile, 20 persons recovered and were discharged, four of them from home isolation, 10 from CCCs and six from JNIMS. The recovery rate in the state now stands at 97.79 %.
The cumulative number of positive cases in the state now stands at 1, 25,236 out of which 1,22,599 have recovered leaving 659 active cases.
The total number of doses administered on November 30, 2021, is 8,486, the cumulative number of doses administered is 21,59,714 (1st dose 12,82,955, 2nd dose 8,76,759).